ZX Spectrum Chess

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ZX Spectrum Chess [1] ZX Spectrum Chess, (Chess, Masterchess)

a chess program for the ZX Spectrum by Anthony Adam, written in Z80 assembly language, distributed in 1982 by Psion Software with Mikro-Gen, and Sinclair Research, not to confused with the Spectrum Chess program by Artic Computing [2]. Apparently, the program was forerunner of the 1984 Master Chess release for Amstrad CPC by Amsoft / Mikro-Gen [3]. In 1987, a Mastertronic program named Master Chess was also available not only for Z80 but also 6502 computers [4] for instance Atari 8-bit and Commodore 64.

See also


  1. Spectrum 48K - Old Home Computer Chess Games Collection - ZX Spectrum Chess from The Spacious Mind
  2. Spectrum Chess - World of Spectrum
  3. Master Chess - CPCWiki
  4. Master Chess for Amstrad CPC (1987) - MobyGames

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