Zvi Retchkiman KC3B6nigsberg

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Zvi Retchkiman Königsberg [1] Mordejai Zvi Retchkiman Königsberg,

a Mexican mathematician, electrical engineer and computer scientist at Centro de Investigacion en Computacion, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico City. He holds M.Sc. degrees from Weizmann Institute of Science in 1988 and Polytechnic Institute of New York University in 1989, and graduated with a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from CINVESTAV-IPN in 1993. His research interests include parallel computing, nonlinear dynamical systems and Lyapunov stability [2], computer games and combinatorial game theory.

LG in Arimaa

Along with José Roberto Mercado Vega, Zvi Retchkiman Königsberg published on Stilman’s Linguistic Geometry applied to the game of Arimaa [4].

Selected Publications



2000 …

2010 …


  1. Mordejai Zvi Retchkiman Konigsberg
  2. Aleksandr Lyapunov
  3. Zvi Retchkiman Königsberg (2007). A Combinatorial Game Mathematical Strategy Planning Procedure for a Class of Chess Endgames. International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 2, No. 68
  4. José Roberto Mercado Vega, Zvi Retchkiman Königsberg (2009). Modeling the Game of Arimaa with Linguistic Geometry. CIG'09, pdf
  5. dblp: Zvi Retchkiman Königsberg
  6. Lyapunov stability from Wikipedia
  7. Max-plus algebra - Wikipedia
  8. Petri net from Wikipedia

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