
Home * Engines * Zochova

[ Zochova Street No. 1 [1] Zochova,

an open source chess engine under the GNU General Public License by Gabor Buella written in C++, compliant with the Chess Engine Communication Protocol. Zochova is a bitboard engine, and requires some Boost libraries, such as Boost.Signals [2], an implementation of managed Signals and slots for Observer pattern, and uses the ProDeo open source code opening book by Ed Schröder [3]. Sliding piece attacks are calculated with some bit-twiddling and loops on the fly [4]. Its search is basically PVS with verified nullmove pruning, and late move reductions.

Chess Engine



  1. Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Zochova Street No. 1, image by Wizzard, February 2008, Wikimedia Commons
  2. Chapter 24. Boost.Signals - 1.52.0
  3. Zochova/RebelBook.cpp
  4. Zochowa/bitboardmoves.cpp

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