Zillions of GamesZRF

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Zillions of Games 2.0 Start Screen [1] Zillions of Games,

a commercial general game playing Windows program developed by Jeff Mallett and Mark Lefler to play abstract strategy board games with perfect information and up to 32 players, first released in 1998. Zillions of Games 2, released in 2003, comes with 100 new features, able to enforce maximal capturing rules as used in some versions of Checkers, and is packed with 350 board games, puzzles, and variants [2], including chess and 60 chess variants. Zillions further supports randomness in games through a special, computer-controlled “random player” that chooses its moves randomly, which allows to simulate dice games.

Selected Games

Chess & Variants

Board Games


See also


Forum Posts

Re: Zillions of Games is fantastic by Ingo Althöfer, CCC, June 26, 2004 [4] [5]

Zillions of Games - How Many Games? Zillions of Games - Free Games for Download Zillions of Games - 2358 Free Games for Download


  1. Zillions of Games - Wikipedia
  2. Zillions of Games - How Many Games?
  3. Jeff Mallett (2003). ZRF Language References. pdf
  4. Nina Hagen
  5. BEZZENBERGER Rechtsanwälte - Kanzlei für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, Urheber- und Medienrecht

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