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[ Ziggy Stardust [1] Ziggy,

an UCI compliant open source chess engine by Hrafn Eiríksson, written in Java. Ziggy represents the board with piece-lists supported by 15x8 vector attacks, and applies state of the art search enhancements like null move pruning, late move reductions, multi-cut, PVS, static exchange evaluation and a two-level transposition table, and served as test-bed for search experiments as topic in Eiríksson’s B.Sc. thesis Investigation of Multi-Cut Pruning in Game-Tree Search [2]. Eiríksson re-investigated multi-cut pruning with Ziggy, and found an enhancement to apply it only at expected Cut-nodes confirmed by the transposition table, that is a probe indicates a beta-cutoff without sufficient draft stored.


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  1. David Bowie in the early 1970s, by Rik Walton, Ziggy Stardust (character) from Wikipedia
  2. Hrafn Eiríksson (2011). Investigation of Multi-Cut Pruning in Game-Tree Search. B.Sc. thesis, Reykjavík University, pdf

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