Zdenek Zdrahal

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Zdenek Zdrahal [1] Zdenek Zdrahal, (Czech: Zdenek Zdráhal)

a Czech British electrical engineer, computer scientist and Senior Research fellow at Knowledge Media Institute [2] , The Open University, Milton Keynes, South East England. His earlier research affiliations include the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, until 1992 Czechoslovakia, the University of Edinburgh, Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute and Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education (CICESE) in Mexico [3]. Zdenek Zdrahal research interests include the application of Artificial Intelligence in design, case-based reasoning and knowledge sharing.

Selected Publications


1980 …

1990 …

  • Vladimír Marík, Olga Štěpánková, Zdenek Zdrahal (1990). Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education, CEPES-UNESCO International Symposium, Prague, CSFR, October 23-25, 1989, Springer
  • Zdenek Zdráhal (1993). Second Order Measures for Uncertainty Processing. IJCAI 1993

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Zdenek Zdrahal | Knowledge Media Institute | The Open University
  2. Knowledge Media Institute | The Open University
  3. Zdenek Zdrahal | LinkedIn
  4. Zdenek Zdráhal, Ivan Bratko, Alen Shapiro (1981). Recognition of Complex Patterns Using Cellular Arrays. The Computer Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 263-270
  5. dblp: Zdenek Zdráhal

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