Yoshiaki Yamaguchi

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Yoshiaki Yamaguchi,

a Japanese computer scientist affiliated with the University of Tokyo. His research interests includes solving Connect Four [1] on infinite [2] and cylinder-infinite boards.

Infinite Connect Four

Abstract of the Advances in Computer Games 13 paper [4]:

In this paper, we present the newly obtained solution for variants of Connect-Four played on an infinite board. We proved this result by introducing never-losing strategies for both players. The strategies consist of a combination of paving patterns, which are follow-up, follow-in-CUP, and a few others. By employing the strategies, both players can block their opponents to achieve the winning condition. This means that optimal play by both players leads to a draw in these games.
By rearrangement of the same paving patterns, the solution for a semi-infinite board, where either the height or the width is finite, are also presented. Moreover, it is confirmed that these results are effective under various placement restrictions. 

Selected Publications



  1. Connect Four from Wikipedia
  2. Infinite Board at Sensei’s Library
  3. ICGA Events 2015: Photos Day 5 by Jan Krabbenbos
  4. Yoshiaki Yamaguchi, Kazunori Yamaguchi, Tetsuro Tanaka, Tomoyuki Kaneko (2011). Infinite Connect-Four Is Solved: Draw. Advances in Computer Games 13
  5. dblp: Yoshiaki Yamaguchi

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