Yoichiro Kajihara

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Yoichiro Kajihara,

a Japanese Shogi player and computer scientist at Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu. As a game programmer, Yoichiro Kajihara is author of the Amazons program Aska, and member of team in developing the Shogi program Tacos [1].

Selected Publications

[3] [4]


  1. Jun Nagashima (2007). Towards master-level play of Shogi. Ph.D. thesis, Supervisor Hiroyuki Iida, JAIST, pdf
  2. Jeff Rollason (2001). Shotest wins Shogi tournament. ICGA Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 187
  3. ICGA Reference Database
  4. dblp: Yoichiro Kajihara

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