Yngvi BjC3B6rnsson

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Yngvi Björnsson [1] Yngvi Björnsson,

an Icelandic computer scientist and games researcher. After a B.S in Computer Science at the University of Iceland, and a few years in the industry (1988-1994), Yngvi studied at the University of Alberta in Canada [2] . As member of the Games research group [3], he co-authored the chess program The Turk along with Andreas Junghanns, which competed at the WMCCC 1996 in Jakarta [4] , developed the Lines of Action program and three times gold medal winner YL, co-authored the Hex program Mongoose and made his Ph.D. thesis in Computer Science, Selective Depth-First Game-Tree Search at the University of Alberta in 2002 [5] advised by Professor Tony Marsland. Yngvi contributed with Uncertainty Cut-Offs [6] [7], and invented Multi-Cut Pruning [8] .

Since 2004, Yngvi Björnsson is associate professor at the School of Computer Science, Reykjavík University, Iceland. He served as Vice-President of the ICGA from 2005 until 2011 and organized the WCCC 2005 in Reykjavík.


Yngvi Björnsson was member of the Chinook team around Jonathan Schaeffer, solving Checkers [10] :

Yngvi’s major contribution to the project was with the Chinook endgame databases. His research interests include heuristic search in artificial intelligence.

General Game Playing

Yngvi Björnsson is involved in the successful development of the General Game Playing program Cadiaplayer from Reykjavik University, which won the General Game Playing world-champion in 2007 and 2008 [11] .

Selected Publications

[12] [13] [14]

1996 …

2000 …










2010 …

2020 …


  1. Photo from Yngvi Björnsson’s homepage
  2. Yngvi Björnsson Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
  3. Games research group
  4. Yngvi Björnsson’s ICGA Tournaments
  5. Yngvi Björnsson (2002). Selective Depth-First Game-Tree Search. Ph.D. thesis, University of Alberta
  6. Yngvi Björnsson, Tony Marsland, Jonathan Schaeffer, Andreas Junghanns (1997). Searching with Uncertainty Cut-offs. ICCA Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1
  7. Yngvi Björnsson, Tony Marsland, Jonathan Schaeffer, Andreas Junghanns (1997). Searching with Uncertainty Cut-offs. Advances in Computer Chess 8
  8. Yngvi Björnsson, Tony Marsland (2001). Multi-cut Alpha-Beta Pruning in Game Tree Search. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 252, pdf
  9. Mind Sports Olympiad, England, August 2000 by Aaron Davidson
  10. Chinook Authors
  11. Cadiaplayer - A powerful general game-playing engine
  12. ICGA Reference Database
  13. Yngvi Björnsson’s Publictions
  14. Yngvi Björnsson from Microsoft Academic Search
  15. Jónheiður Ísleifsdóttir (2007). GTQL: A Query Language for Game Trees. M.Sc. thesis, Reykjavík University, pdf
  16. Monte Carlo in LOA by BB+, OpenChess Forum, December 30, 2010
  17. Game Description Language from Wikipedia
  18. Mark Winands, Tristan Cazenave (2014). ECAI Computer Games Workshop. ICGA Journal, Vol. 37, No. 4

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