Yizao Wang

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Yizao Wang [1] Yizao Wang,

a Chinese mathematician and statistician, and assistant professor at Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati. He holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics from Peking University, Beijing, China, a M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, and Ph.D. in Statistics at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States in 2012. His research interests include Extreme value theory, sum- and max-stable processes and random fields, Central limit theorems for dependent sequences, Machine learning, bandit algorithms and applications to Computer-Go.

Yizao Wang is co-author of the top level Go playing program Mogo, using Monte-Carlo Tree Search which uses patterns in the simulations and improvements in UCT [2].

2006 …

2010 …

  • Yizao Wang, Stilian A. Stoev (2010). On the Association of Sum- and Max- Stable Processes. Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol. 80, pdf


  1. Yizao Wang’s Homepage
  2. MoGo: a software for the Game of Go
  3. Yizao Wang’s Homepage - Publications
  4. DBLP: Yizao Wang

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