YenChi Chen

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Yen-Chi Chen [1] Yen-Chi Chen,

a Taiwanese computer scientist affiliated with the National Taiwan Normal University. His research interests include machine learning and computer games. He is author and co-author of Chinese Dark Chess, Surakarta, Outer-Open Gomoku, Othello and Nonogram playing and solving programs, participating and winning at ICGA and TAAI tournaments.

Selected Publications


2017 …

2020 …


  1. Yen-Chi Chen | LinkedIn
  2. “Exact-Win Strategy for Overcoming AlphaZero” · Issue #799 · LeelaChessZero/lc0 · GitHub » Leela Chess Zero
  3. Yen-Chi Chen | National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei | NTNU | Department of Computer science & Information Engineering

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