
Home * Engines * XChess

XChess Logo [1] XChess,

a commercial chess program with for the Atari ST by chess programmer Bert van der Liet and graphic artist Karin van Bodegraven, released in 1986. XChess is based on the chess engine SCHK-Y, written in C and 68000 assembly, which played the DOCCC 1986 [2].

See also


  1. Atari ST Xchess from Atari Mania
  2. 12-1986, toernooibulletin van het Nederlands kampioenschap computerschaak 1986.pdf hosted by Hein Veldhuis
  3. Submitting disk images to AtariMania by Dragonstomper, AtariAge Forums, August 23, 2012
  4. xChess: Home

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