Wojciech JaC59Bkowski

Home * People * Wojciech Jaśkowski

Wojciech Jaśkowski [1] Wojciech Jaśkowski,

a Polish computer scientist and researcher with Jürgen Schmidhuber at NNAISENSE [2], until 2017 assistant professor at the Institute of Computing Science, Poznań University of Technology, where he already defended his Ph.D. thesis in 2011, devoted to a subclass of optimization problems applied to learning game strategies and combinatorial optimizations [3] [4]. His research interests include genetic programming, coevolutionary algorithms, evolutionary computation, reinforcement learning, and pattern recognition, using the game of Othello as testbed.

2007 …

2010 …

2015 …


  1. Wojciech Jaśkowski - Google Scholar Citations
  2. NNAISENSE - AI For The Physical World
  3. Wojciech Jaśkowski (2011). Algorithms for Test-Based Problems. Ph.D. thesis, Poznań University of Technology, supervisor Krzysztof Krawiec, pdf
  4. Honourable mention in the competition for the 2011 Polish Artificial Intelligence Society Award for the Best Ph. D. Dissertation in Artificial Intelligence (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Sztucznej Inteligencji)
  5. Publications | Wojciech Jaśkowski
  6. dblp: Wojciech Jaskowski
  7. Ant Wars by Wojciech Jaśkowski
  8. 2048 (video game) from Wikipedia
  9. CMA-ES from Wikipedia
  10. Edax by Richard Delorme

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