Wim van Beusekom

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Wim van Beusekom [1] Wim van Beusekom,

a Dutch computer scientist, IT professional and as computer chess programmer author of the chess programs Tobber, first competing the DOCCC 1989 [2] and the DOCCC 1990, MacChess for Apple Macintosh computers, which played the DOCCC 1995, the DOCCC 1996 and the Aegon 1997, and its experimental version called McTobber, playing the DOCCC 1999 [3] and DOCCC 2000.


  1. from the Photo Composition of the Participants, DOCCC 1999, Dutch Open Computer Chess Championship 1999 old CSVN site
  2. Dap Hartmann, Peter Kouwenhoven (1989). The 9th Dutch Computer-Chess Championship. ICCA Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4
  3. iMac at Dutch Computer Championship - McTobber by Richard A. Fowell, CCC, November 06, 1999

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