Will Singleton

Home * People * Will Singleton

Will Singleton, (Willie Wood) [1]

an American real estate developer and amateur chess programmer [2]. Already in 1978 Will wrote his first chess program in 6502 assembly to run on an Apple II computer [3], expanded in 1986 on the 68000 [4]. End of the 90s he started to port his program to C which evolved to the engine Amateur [5], compatible with Fixation [6] running on a Macintosh, and the Chess Engine Communication Protocol.




2000 …

2005 …


  1. Pamela Singleton - Pacific Palisades, California has William Singleton Wood, born 1953, as possible relative
  2. Re: Bionic Vs Crafty Debate: some data required by Will Singleton, CCC, January 25, 1999
  3. Re: LCT II Fin4, Deep Thought, and Deep Blue (was Re: LCT II results…) by Willie Wood, CCC, January 07, 1998
  4. Re: Bionic Vs Crafty Debate: some data required by Will Singleton, CCC, January 25, 1999
  5. Has this name been used before? by Willie Wood, CCC, December 12, 1997
  6. Fixation: Amateur Chess Engine
  7. Withdrawal by Đorđe Vidanović, CCC, February 19, 1999

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