Wilhelm Barth

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Wilhelm Barth [1] Wilhelm P. Barth,

a German mathematician [2], computer scientist and Professor Emeritus at the Vienna University of Technology [3]. He defended his Ph.D. at Darmstadt University of Technology in 1963 on Graeffe’s method under supervision of Alwin Walther and Detlef Laugwitz. His research interests include root-finding algorithms, geometric algorithms, graph theory, ray tracing, and computer chess [4].

Selected Publications

[7] [8]

1963 …

1970 …

1980 …

1990 …

1995 …

2000 …


  1. Homepage of Wilhelm Barth ( Wayback Machine)
  2. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Wilhelm Barth
  3. Barth, Wilhelm | Wissenschaftler | Wissenschaft im Austria-Forum
  4. Computer Chess (Barth, Herbeck)
  5. Neues Schachprogramm für Spezialprobleme, October 28, 1996 (German)
  6. Heinz Herbeck, Wilhelm Barth (1996). An Explanation Tool for Chess Endgames Based on the Rule Method. ICCA Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2
  7. dblp: Wilhelm Barth
  8. Wilhelm Barth :: Institut für Computergraphik und Algorithmen - Arbeitsgruppe für Computergraphik
  9. root-finding algorithms from Wikipedia
  10. Ulrich Thiemonds (1999). Ein regelbasiertes Spielprogramm für Schachendspiele. University of Bonn, Diplom thesis (German)
  11. Steven Edwards (1995). Comments on Barth’s Article “Combining Knowledge and Search to Yield Infallible Endgame Programs.” ICCA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4

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