
Home * Engines * Wilhelm

[ Wilhelm Steinitz [1] Wilhelm,

a chess program by Rafael B. Andrist with an own GUI running under Windows with focus on endgame research. The chess engine is witten in C with some small x86 Assembly routines, the GUI written in Visual Basic [2]. Wilhelm knows about co-ordinate squares in pawn endgames with completly blocked pawns, and solves the Lasker-Reichhelm Position (Fine #70) instantly [3]. It supports 5 and 6 men Nalimov Tablebases and features special EGTB analysis modes [4]. Wilhelm was used to model fallible endgame play [5] as elaborated by its author and Guy Haworth. Experiments agree well with a Markov Model theory [6].

See also


Forum Posts

Chess Program



  1. Wilhelm Steinitz, Wikimedia Commons
  2. Wilhelm by silversurfer, Immortal Chess Forum, March 20, 2012
  3. Re: Fine 70 same 7 engines (more) by Rafael B. Andrist, CCC, September 10, 2001
  4. Wilhelm update by Rafael B. Andrist, CCRL Discussion Board, August 23, 2006
  5. Guy Haworth (2003). Reference Fallible Endgame Play. ICGA Journal, Vol. 26, No. 2
  6. Guy Haworth, Rafael B. Andrist (2003). Model Endgame Analysis. Advances in Computer Games 10
  7. Wilhelm 1.50 in action by Ruxy Sylwyka, CCC, March 20, 2012

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