Wil Sparreboom

Home * People * Wil Sparreboom

Wil Sparreboom [1] Wil Sparreboom,

a Dutch electrical engineer, software developer, entrepreneur and owner of TASC [2]. As a chess player, Wil Sparreboom is active in the Rotterdamse Schaakbond (RSB) [3].



  1. RSB PK 2012 15 augustus 2012 Groep A Archief (2006-2015) van de Rotterdamse Schaakbond
  2. Wil Sparreboom - LinkedIn
  3. Rotterdamse Schaakbond
  4. Final Cartridge III Manual Project64.txt
  5. Re: What happened to TASC? by Steven Schwartz, CCC, October 27, 2001
  6. The Next Revolution - The ChessMachine from Rebel - Pure Nostalgia by Ed Schröder

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