Wieland Belka

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Wieland Belka,

a German civil engineer with a degree from TU Dresden, ICCF International Correspondence Chess Master [1] and Senior International Correspondence Chess Master, playing under the ICCF U.S.A. [2] as one of their top rated players [3], and adept of the Blackmar–Diemer Gambit [4]. As computer chess programmer, Wieland Belka is author of the chess engine Eichhörnchen, and along with Matthew Lai, co-author of Brainless, where he contributed a bunch of crazy chess knowledge ideas [5].


  1. Wieland Belka Earns the ICCF IM Title (revised) (September 10, 2013, pdf)
  2. ICCF Ratings > Player Details > IM Belka, Wieland
  3. International Correspondence Chess Federation - US Player Rankings
  4. Diemer und das Blackmar-Diemer-Gambit by Wieland Belka (German)
  5. Piece of Mind » Computer Chess Tournament?! by Matthew Lai » IOCSC 2010

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