Wee Sun Lee

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Wee Sun Lee [1] Wee Sun Lee,[2]

a Singaporean computer scientist and professor at the department of computer science of National University of Singapore. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science from Australian National University in 1996 with the thesis title Agnostic Learning and Single Hidden Layer Neural Networks under supervision of Peter Bartlett and Robert C. Williamson. His research interests include machine learning theory and applications, and planning under uncertainty. Along with his Ph.D. student Yew Jin Lim, he published on Forward Pruning in Game-Tree Search, in particular on RankCut.

1995 …

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Lee Wee Sun’s Homepage
  2. Lee Wee Sun in Asian standard template [LAST NAME][FIRST NAME]
  3. Lee Wee Sun - Publications
  4. dblp: Wee Sun Lee

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