Vladimir Yelin

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Vladimir Yelin, (Vladimir Elin)

a Belorussian chess programmer and author of the chess engines Kaissa2 and Patriot. Kaissa2 is a namesake of Kaissa, the first World Computer Chess Champion [1], and evolved to Patriot to become a commercial Arena engine in early 2004 [2]. Sergei S. Markoff mentioned Vladimir Yelin using ideas by Mikhail Botvinnik to determine objects for attack end defence [3] [4]. In May 2005, his upcoming new version Patriot 2.0 turned out to be a Fruit/ Toga clone [5] [6] [7], when later investigations revealed the previously assumed innocent [8] Patriot 1 aka later Kaissa versions were based on Crafty with many changes. Investigator Alexander Schmidt stated that later versions of Kaissa released after the Patriot disaster still have Crafty traces inside [9].

Re: Some old posts of vladimir yelin(Patriot-Fruit Toga) by Vladimir Elin, CCC, May 09, 2005

Re: And the Ippolit author is… by Alexander Schmidt, CCC, October 23, 2009


  1. about Kaissa by Vladimir Yelin, WinBoard Forum, October 26, 2003
  2. WB7UCI Patriot 1.1.0 by Vladimir Yelin (Belarus) commercial available! by Frank Quisinsky, CCC, April 05, 2004
  3. Re: Stars of 2004 Tournament : Kaissa 1.7 and SmarThink 0.17a ! by Sergei S. Markoff, CCC, February 06, 2004
  4. about Botvinnik theory… by Vladimir Yelin, WinBoard Forum, June 30, 2003
  5. Re: Sorry Vladimir but this is what I see… by Christopher Conkie, CCC, May 09, 2005
  6. Patriot 2.0 Revealed as a Clone! by Nog, CCC, May 04, 2005
  7. Re: Clone engine list - Patriot by hirdelgird, WinBoard Forum, April 19, 2007
  8. Re: Patriot 1.0 maybe crafty clone… by Alexander Schmidt, CCC, May 05, 2005
  9. Re: And the Ippolit author is… by Alexander Schmidt, CCC, October 23, 2009

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