Vladimir Makhnychev

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Vladimir Makhnychev [1] Vladimir Makhnychev,

a Russian computer scientist, Ph.D. in 2012 from Lomonosov Moscow State University, and software development engineer at Google Switzerland [2]. Before, he was affiliated with the MSU and ChessOK, and along with Victor Zakharov developer of the Aquarium GUI [3] and primary contributor to the 7-men Lomonosov Tablebases, which were generated using the Lomonosov Supercomputer at MSU, now commercially available online through ChessOK products [4].

Selected Publications


  • Victor Zakharov, Vladimir Makhnychev (2010). A Retroanalysis Algorithm for Supercomputer Systems on the Example of Playing Chess. Software Systems and Tools, Vol. 11 (Russian)
  • Victor Zakharov, Vladimir Makhnychev (2013). Creating tables of chess 7-piece endgames on the Lomonosov supercomputer. Superkomp’yutery, No. 15


  1. Posición de V. Makhnychev y V. Zakharov, Universidad Lomonosov de Moscú 2012 – música y ajedrez de diez, March 02, 2013 (Spanish)
  2. Vladimir Makhnychev | LinkedIn
  3. Lomonosov Endgame Tablebases - History Note - ChessOK
  4. Lomonosov Endgame Tablebases - ChessOK
  5. Victor Zakharov, Michael G. Malkovsky, Vladislav Y. Shchukin (2016). Compression of underdetermined data in a 7-piece chess table. Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Vol. 40, No. 1

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