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Vladan Vučković [1] Vladan V. Vučković,

a Serbian computer scientist at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Computer Department, University of Niš. As computer chess programmer Vladan Vučković is author of the chess programs Axon and Achilles [2], supported by opening book author Đorđe Vidanović.

2000 …

  • Vladan Vučković (2001). Decision Trees and Search Strategies in Chess Problem Solving Applications, Proceedings of a Workshop on Computational Intelligence Theory and Applications, Niš, 27. February 2001, pp. 141-159. ISBN 86-80135-36-4
  • Vladan Vučković (2001). The Basic Elements of the Chess Program Implementation. Proceedings of a Workshop on Computational Intelligence Theory and Applications, Niš, 20-21. June 2001., pp. 17-23. ISBN 86-80135-41-0
  • Vladan Vučković (2002). The Significance of the Low-Level Heuristics in Chess Searching Algorithms. Proceedings of the Workshop of the Computational Intelligence and Information Technology of the XXXVII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2002, Niš, 1-4.10.2002., Volume 1, pp. 733-736. ISBN 86-80135-69-0
  • Vladan Vučković (2003). Memory Based Recursive Alfa-Beta Searching Algorithm. Proceedings of the Workshop of the Computational Intelligence and Information Technology, Niš, 13.10.2003., pp. 27-30. ISBN 86-80135-78-X
  • Vladan Vučković (2004). Realization of the Chess Mate Solver Application. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, Volume 14, Number 2, pdf
  • Vladan Vučković, Đorđe Vidanović (2004). A New Approach to Draw Detection by Move Repetition in Computer Chess Programming. CoRR arXiv:cs/0406038 [4] [5]

2005 …

2010 …

2015 …


  1. Axon Development (pdf, Serbian)
  2. Achilles Home
  3. dblp: Vladan Vuckovic
  4. A New Approach to Draw Detection by Move Repetition by Gian-Carlo Pascutto, CCC, July 29, 2004
  5. Draw Detection by Move Repetition Procedure - Comments by Đorđe Vidanović, CCC, August 01, 2004
  6. Robots/Corobot - ROS Wiki

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