Viljem C5BDumer

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Viljem Žumert [1] Viljem Žumer,

a Slovenian electrical engineer, computer scientist, professor and former head of the Computer Architecture and Languages Laboratory [2], Institute of Computer Science at University of Maribor. His research interests include parallel computing, multi-objective optimization, and evolutionary computation, in particular differential evolution as applied in automated tuning of chess engines.

1997 …

  • Viljem Žumer, Nikolaj Korbar, Marjan Mernik (1997). Automatic implementation of programming languages using object oriented approach. Journal of Systems Architecture Vol. 43, No. 1-5
  • Milan Ojstersek, Viljem Žumer, Ljubo Pipan (1997). Efficient execution of parallel programs using partial strict triggering of program graph nodes. ICPADS 1997

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Viljem Žumer - Computer Architecture and Languages Laboratory
  2. Computer Architecture and Languages Laboratory
  3. dblp: Viljem Zumer
  4. Programming language Zero - Computer Architecture and Languages Laboratory

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