Victor Zakharov

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Victor Zakharov [1] Victor Zakharov,

a Russian computer scientist holding a Ph.D. in CS from Lomonosov Moscow State University, entrepreneur, founder of ChessOK aka Convekta, head of its development, primary developer of Chess Assistant [2] and Aquarium [3], and scientific secretary at the Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow [4]. Also affiliated with the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Victor Zakharov is along with Vladimir Makhnychev involved in generating the 7-men Lomonosov Tablebases [5], using the Lomonosov Supercomputer. As of December 31, 2013, the tablebases are commercially available online through ChessOK products [6].

Selected Publications

Forum Posts

A talk with Victor Zakharov, head of Convekta development, part b by Robert Pawlak, February 14, 2003


  1. All you ever wanted to know about Convekta by Robert Pawlak, September 12, 2004
  2. About -
  3. Lomonosov Endgame Tablebases - History Note - ChessOK
  4. The Institute of Informatics Problems of The Russian Academy of Sciences (IPI RAN)
  5. Endgame tablebase from Wikipedia - Background
  6. Lomonosov Endgame Tablebases - ChessOK
  7. tablebase compression / academic integrity by Ronald de Man, CCC, May 19, 2016

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