VC3A1clav KotC49BC5A1ovec

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[ Václav Kotěšovec [1] Václav Kotěšovec, (Vaclav Kotesovec)

a Czech mathematician, fairy chess composer and programmer. In 2005, he was awarded with the title of a FIDE International Master for Chess Composition, and in 2010 with the title of International Judge for Chess Compositions [2]. Václav Kotěšovec is author of the solving and composing software VKsach [3], and has published in ICGA Journal on King and Two Generalised Knights against King [4]. He has also contributed to the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences [5].

2000 …

2010 …

  • Václav Kotěšovec (2011, 2016). Fairy twomovers. pdf
  • Václav Kotěšovec (2013). Non-attacking chess pieces. 6th edition, pdf
  • Vaclav Kotesovec (2015). Asymptotics of the Euler transform of Fibonacci numbers. arXiv:1508.01796
  • Vaclav Kotesovec (2015). A method of finding the asymptotics of q-series based on the convolution of generating functions. arXiv:1509.08708
  • Václav Kotěšovec (2017). Fairy chess endings on an n x n chessboard. 2nd edition, pdf


  1. Kotesovec Vaclav, Wikimedia Commons
  2. Václav Kotěšovec from Wikipedia.cs
  3. Note for (foreign) VKSACH users
  4. Václav Kotěšovec (2001). King and Two Generalised Knights against King. ICGA Journal, Vol. 24, No. 2
  5. User:Vaclav Kotesovec - OeisWiki

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