Uzi Zahavi

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Uzi Zahavi [1] Uzi Zahavi,

an Israeli computer and data scientist, Ph.D. from Bar-Ilan University in 2009 on the artificial intelligence topic of single agent search [2] under Ariel Felner [3]. He further worked on field service optimization problems, combining features of the vehicle routing problem (VRP), scheduling problems and the general assignment problem (GAP).

2005 …

2010 …


  1. Uzi Zahavi | LinkedIn
  2. Uzi Zahavi (2009). Duality and Inconsistency in Search Spaces. Ph.D. thesis, Bar-Ilan University
  3. Ariel Felner - Teaching
  4. dblp: Uzi Zahavi
  5. Iterative deepening A* from Wikipedia

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