
Home * Engines * Tumult

Tumult Royale [1] Tumult,

a chess program by Denis and Lucien N. Dancanet written in 6502 assembly to run on an Apple II. Tumult played the WMCCC 1985 Amateur tournament, and became third with a 50% score behind Nona and Rebel.

Chess Engine



  1. Capture from the Tumult Royale Board Game YouTube Video introducing the new board game by Klaus Teuber and Benjamin Teuber - except the title and pawn chasing king not related to the chess program described here! see Games : Tumult Royale from the publisher Thames & Kosmos and Tumult Royale - Teubergames
  2. Amsterdam 1985 - Chess (Amateur) - Round 2 - Game 1 (ICGA Tournaments)

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