Toshinori Munakata

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Toshinori Munakata [1] Toshinori Munakata,

a Japanese American computer scientist, and distinguished professor emeritus at Computer and Information Science Department, Cleveland State University, holding a B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. from University of Tokyo. His research interests include artificial intelligence, new computing paradigms, and analysis of algorithms [2]. Since coming to the US in 1967, Toshinori Munakata research has spanned many of AI’s most important realms, neural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary computing, and chaotic systems.

1979 …

1990 …

2000 …



  1. Image (cropped) from Munakata’s Home Page
  2. Munakata’s Home Page - Professional Information
  3. dblp: Toshinori Munakata
  4. Rough set from Wikipedia
  5. ID3 algorithm from Wikipedia » Ross Quinlan
  6. Mathematician | Zdzisław Pawlak
  7. Physarum polycephalum from Wikipedia
  8. Tug of war from Wikipedia
  9. Multi-armed bandit from Wikipedia

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