Tor Lattimore

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Tor Lattimore [1] Tor Lattimore,

an Australian computer scientist and since 2017 research scientist at DeepMind in London, Ph.D. in 2013 with Marcus Hutter at Australian National University, and postdoc at University of Alberta supervised by Csaba Szepesvári. His research interests include various machine learning topics and optimization problems, in particular reinforcement learning, probably approximately correct learning in Markov decision processes and multi-armed bandit problems. As a chess player, and former computer chess programmer, Tor Lattimore is author of the Chess Engine Communication Protocol compatible chess engine SEE [2], which participated at various Australasian National Computer Chess Championship and CCT Tournaments.

2010 …

2015 …

Forum Posts

Bandit Algorithms


  1. Tor Lattimore - Homepage
  2. SEE - the chess engine
  3. Tor Lattimore Publications
  4. dblp: Tor Lattimore
  5. No free lunch in search and optimization - Wikipedia
  6. Occam’s razor from Wikipedia
  7. Markov decision process from Wikipedia

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