Tony Marsland

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Tony Marsland at the WMCCC 1985 [1] Thomas Anthony (Tony) Marsland,

a Canadian computer scientist and game researcher. He is co-creator and eponym of the Principal Variation Search. Until about 1986 he worked extensively on the selective search computer chess programs Marsland CP (aka Wita) and Awit/Wita [2] [3], written in AlgolW, and participated with it in many North American and World Computer Chess Championships [4] . Along with Fred Popowich, Tony is further co-author of the experimental parallel chess program Parabelle, and with Chun Ye co-author of the Chinese Chess program and shared gold medal winner at the 3rd Computer Olympiad, Abyss. From 1992 until 1999, Tony Marsland served as President of the ICCA. He is now Professor Emeritus at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

About Tony Marsland

Quote from Tony Marsland’s biography [7] :

Tony Marsland received his B.Sc. in Honours Mathematics from the [University of Nottingham]( (UK, 1958) and M.S.E(E) and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the [University of Washington](, Seattle (USA, 1967). After working one year as an assistant professor he went to [AT&T Bell Laboratories](Bell_Laboratories "Bell Laboratories") in New Jersey for two years as a research scientist, before joining the Computing Science Department at the [University of Alberta](University_of_Alberta "University of Alberta"). He was an [ACM](ACM "ACM") National Lecturer during 1979-81 and a [McCalla Research Professor]( in 1985-86. His primary teaching and research interests were in the area of distributed computing systems design.
In the past, Tony served on a variety of General and Faculty committees, and completed one term as Associate Chair of Computing Science with primary responsibility for the Graduate Program. After helping for many years on NSERC's International Relations Committee, he spent much of the 1994 academic year visiting the [University of Hong Kong]( In addition to normal teaching and research activities he was President of the International Computer Chess Association (1992-99). Separately, he has edited two books and written three lengthy encyclopedic articles in recent years.
Despite years of programming experience with languages like [Assembly](Assembly "Assembly"), [Fortran](Fortran "Fortran"), [Snobol](index.php?title=Snobol&action=edit&redlink=1 "Snobol (page does not exist)"), [Lisp](index.php?title=Lisp&action=edit&redlink=1 "Lisp (page does not exist)"), [Pascal](Pascal "Pascal") and [C](C "C") (and the many arcane scripting languages on [Unix](Unix "Unix") Systems), he is now happy to let others do the real work while he enjoys modern computer interfaces for day to day use and communication!
After many years as a Professional Engineer (member of APEGGA) he has a continuing special interest in the Industrial Internship Program (IIP) (which he directed 1994-2002) and in maintaining good external contacts. 

Selected Publications

[8] [9] [10] [11]

1965 …

  • Tony Marsland (1965). Control Systems Study through Dynamic and Non-linear Programming. M.S.E.(E). Thesis, University of Washington
  • Tony Marsland (1967). Adaptive Computer Programs: An Aid in Problem Analysis. Ph.D. thesis, University of Washington
  • Tony Marsland (1967). An Adaptive Computing System for the Synthesis of Threshold Logic Networks. Air Force Report for Contract AFOSR-468-65
  • Tony Marsland, David L. Johnson (1968). The Evolution of Threshold Logic Networks which recognize Binary Patterns. Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, pdf

1970 …

1975 …

1980 …

1985 …

1990 …

1995 …

2000 …

2020 …

Forum Posts


  1. Image captured from the WMCCC 1985 Video @ 0:15
  2. Awit-Wita Computer Chess Archive
  3. Box and File Descriptions for the Records of Dr. Marsland (pdf)
  4. Tony Marsland’s ICGA Tournaments
  5. Chess pioneers in Sacher Hotel Vienna, Austria, Gift of Benjamin Mittman, The Computer History Museum
  6. Photo by Theo van der Storm, 10e WK Computerschaak old CSVN Site
  7. About Tony Marsland
  8. Research Papers
  9. T.A(Tony) Marsland - Selected out-of-print research papers
  10. DBLP: T. Anthony Marsland
  11. ICGA Reference Database
  12. Excellent Computer-Chess Overview Paper Found! by Ernst A. Heinz, rgcc, March 6, 1997
  13. Great article for people who wants to write a chess engine by Miguel A. Ballicora, CCC, April 03, 2002

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