Home * Software * Web Broadcast * TLCS-TLCV

TLCS/TLCV, (Tom’s Live Chess Server and Viewer)

a chess game web broadcast server and client (viewer) by Thomas McBurney to transmit and view live games from WinBoard or Arena on the internet using UDP.


The TLCV client is written in Visual Basic with an own GUI to run under Windows. Two alternative TLCV-compatible clients WBROG and REGO were developed by Andrew Fan, REGO written in platform independent Java to run on various operating systems [3]. A further TLCV-compatible live chess viewer is livius by Martin Sedlak written in C++ using Qt 5 and released as open source under the zlib license [4], which also gives insights in the TLCS/TLCV protocol in TLCVClient::receive [5].

See also

Forum Posts



2005 …

2010 …

2015 …


  1. WinBoard - Load and Save Options, see /debug and /engineDebugOutput number
  2. Tom’s Live Chess Viewer by Thomas McBurney ( Wayback Machine)
  3. FireFly’s Home page including WBROG and REGO ( Wayback Machine, 2017)
  4. GitHub - kmar/livius: livius - a Qt-based TLCV-compatible live chess viewer
  5. livius/tlcvclient.cpp at master · kmar/livius · GitHub

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