TingFu Liao

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Ting-Fu Liao [1] Ting-Fu Liao, (廖挺富)

a Taiwanese computer scientist and product developer at Arista Networks, until 2013 affiliated with the Computer Games and Intelligence Lab at National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu headed by professor I-Chen Wu. He is co-author the Go playing program CGI, the Chinese Dark Chess program Martis, and of the Nonogram bot LalaFrogKK, winner of the 17th Computer Olympiad 2013.

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  1. Ting-Fu Liao | LinkedIn
  2. 17th Computer Olympiad Photos 2013 Events: day 5 | ICGA - Prize giving: NoNoGram
  3. dblp: Ting-Fu Liao

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