Tim Mann

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Tim Mann [1] Timothy (Tim) Mann,

an American computer scientist and programmer from Palo Alto, California. Tim Mann is the creator of XBoard and its Windows pendant WinBoard [2] and its Chess Engine Communication Protocol. In 2002, along with Robert Hyatt, Tim Mann published the ICGA Journal paper on a lock-less transposition table implementation for parallel search [3].

Eval tuning in Deep Thought

Eval Tuning in Deep Thought, quote from Tim Mann’s Chess Pages [5]:

[Andreas Nowatzyk](Andreas_Nowatzyk "Andreas Nowatzyk") was one of the contributors to the [Deep Thought](Deep_Thought "Deep Thought") project while he was in grad school. A few years ago when he and I were both working for Compaq's research labs in Palo Alto, Andreas sent me a copy of Deep Thought's [evaluation function tuning program](Automated_Tuning "Automated Tuning") and asked me to put it on the Web for him, since he no longer has an interest in computer chess. 

Selected Publications

Forum Posts


  1. Tim Mann’s Home Page
  2. rec.games.chess.computer GNU Chess and XBoard: Frequently Asked Questions
  3. Robert Hyatt, Tim Mann (2002). A lock-less transposition table implementation for parallel search chess engines. ICCA Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1
  4. XBoard Project History
  5. Deep Thought from Tim Mann’s Chess Pages
  6. 3 interviews about engine protocols with T. Mann, R. Hyatt and M. Blume by Frank Quisinsky, CCC, August 15, 2002

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