TihamC3A9r Nemes

Home * People * Tihamér Nemes

[ Tihamér Nemes [1] Tihamér Nemes, (April 29, 1895 - March 30, 1960)

a Hungarian mechanical and electrical engineer, pioneer in electronics and cybernetics, inventor, designer and developer of phones, frequency analysis devices, typewriter that reacted to the human voice, logical machines like Jevons’ logical piano, moving robots, computers, and chess machines. He experimented with television as early as 1930, and designed and constructed an electro-mechanical chess machine in 1949.

Wiring Diagram

Nemes’ design of a theoretical chess-machine [2]

Block Diagram

Block chart of Mate-in-two solver [3]

See also

Selected Publications

  • Tihamér Nemes (1939). Colour television with electrical colour filters. (Television and Short-Wave World, 1939)
  • Tihamér Nemes (1949). Mechanical Solution of Diophantic Problems. Műegyetemi Közlemények, p. 29.
  • Tihamér Nemes (1949 feb). A sakkozógép. Rádió és Film Technika
  • Tihamér Nemes (1949 feb). Chess automation. Magyar Sakkvilág, p. 51.
  • Tihamér Nemes (1949 nov). Will chess be played by Machinery. Chess, p. 38.
  • Tihamér Nemes (1950 apr). An electronic problem solver. The Fairy Chess Review, p. 101.
  • Tihamér Nemes (1951). The chessplaying machine. (Part II of the “Mechanical Solution of Diophantic Problems”), Acta Technica, p. 215., Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
  • Tihamér Nemes (1953). Logical machine for recognizing class and causal relations genetically. Acta Technica, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
  • Tihamér Nemes (1962). Kibernetikai Gépek. Akadémiai Kiado, Budapest, Kybernetische Maschinen’, 1967; ‘Cybernetic Machines’, Gordon and Breach, New York, 1970, reprinted in Peter Weibel (ed.) (2005) Beyond Art. A Third Culture: a comparative study in cultures, art, and science in 20th century Austria and Hungary. Springer, ISBN 978-3-211-24562-0


  1. Nemes Tihamér a Wikipédiából (Hungarian)
  2. A design of a theoretical chess-machine to solve chess exercises in two steps, from The Hungarian Ljapunov: Dr. Tihamér NEMES (1895-1960) (pdf)
  3. A theoretical chess-machine to solve chess exercises in two steps. Block-chart, from The Hungarian Ljapunov: Dr. Tihamér NEMES (1895-1960) (pdf)

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