Thorsten Czub

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Thorsten Czub, BELCT 2001 [1] Thorsten Czub,

a German computer chess aficionado, tester, as well as tournament organizer and journalist. He also wrote a DOS chess program in Basic, dubbed Capa [2]. Thorsten cooperated with many chess programmers as tester and operator, most notably with Chris Whittington author of the mighty Chess System Tal, and occasionally with Ed Schröder, Christophe Théron, John Stanback, Martin Bryant, Ryan Benitez and probably others. Thorsten also hosts a HIARCS Fan Page [3].

Computer Chess Forums

Thorsten Czub is active poster in Computer Chess Forums and was co-founder of the Computer Chess Club 1997 [6] [7], after the unmoderated rgcc suffered from flaming by various posters. Along with his political principles, his courage, and his animosity against authorities, Thorsten was involved in heated and disputed discussions, and surely overacted sometimes. He served as moderator in CCC and also was subject of moderator actions [8] and receded twice as elected member of CCC moderator teams.


In 2001, while living in Berlin, Thorsten was primary organizer of the First Berliner Emanuel-Lasker Computerchess-Tournament 2001.

Participants: Gerd Isenberg, Thomas Mayer, Heiner Marxen, Jochen Peussner, Roland Pfister,

Thorsten Czub, Stefan Knappe, Ingo Bauer and Peter Berger [9]

Selected Publications

Forum Posts

2010 …

2020 …

with Dietmar Schönherr as Major Cliff Allister McLane


  1. BELCT 2001 Berlin is worth a trip! Photos by Thomas Mayer
  2. Capa Thorsten’s DOS Chess Program, written in Basic (German)
  3. Hiarcs Fan Page
  4. Schachcomputerwelt Thorsten’s computer chess magazine (German)
  5. commercial interests and the CSS magazine (was: Botvinnik article) post 194 … rgcc November 3, 1996
  6. computer-chess club by Robert Hyatt, rgcc, October 10, 1997
  7. Computer-Chess Club by Steven Schwartz, rgcc, October 17, 1997
  8. Reinstate Thorsten Czub? A plea by Dann Corbit, CCC, September 24, 1998
  9. Image from BELCT 2001 Berlin is worth a trip! by Thomas Mayer

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