Thomas Kreitmair

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Thomas Kreitmair [1] Thomas Kreitmair,

a German electrical engineer, research scientist affiliated with the NATO C3 Agency, chess player and former chess programmer. Along with Matthias Engelbach, Thomas Kreitmair is co-author of Schach 3.0, the complete re-write of the Algol program Schach 2.x by Engelbach in x86 (486) assembly language for PCs. Residing in The Netherlands [2], Thomas Kreitmair with Schach 3.0 became regular participant at the Dutch Open Computer Chess Championships and Aegon Tournaments.


  1. Image captured from 10th Aegon Human vs Computers The Hague 1995 Video by Hebert Perez Garcia : 2:23
  2. The chess games of Schach 2 3 from

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