Thomas Dybdahl Ahle

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Thomas Dybdahl Ahle [1] Thomas Dybdahl Ahle,

a Danish computer scientist, software developer, and currently post doctoral researcher at Basic Algorithms Research group (BARC) [2] at University of Copenhagen [3]. He holds a Master of Arts in computer science in 2013 from University of Oxford, and a M.Sc. and Ph.D. in algorithms and theoretical computer science from University of Copenhagen in 2017 and 2019 respectively.

Selected Publications

[5] [6] [7]

2015 …

2020 …



  1. thomasahle (Thomas Dybdahl Ahle) · GitHub
  2. BARC – University of Copenhagen
  3. Thomas Dybdahl Ahle | LinkedIn
  4. Jonni Bidwell (2016). Python: Sunfish chess engine. Linux Format, pdf
  5. dblp: Thomas D. Ahle
  6. Thomas D. Ahle - Google Scholar Citations
  7. Thomas Dybdahl Ahle
  8. Locality-sensitive hashing from Wikipedia
  9. MinHash from Wikipedia
  10. Mersenne prime from Wikipedia
  11. skopt API documentation

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