Takuya Hiraoka

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Takuya Hiraoka [1] Takuya Hiraoka, (平岡 拓也)

a Japanese computer scientist affiliated with the NEC Data Science Research Laboratories. He holds a B.Sc. in informatics from Kindai University in 2011, and a M.Sc. and Ph.D. in information science from Nara Institute of Science and Technology in 2013 and 2016 respectively [2]. His research interests include dialogue system, reinforcement learning and game theory, and computer Shogi. He is author of the Shogi playing program Apery [3], initially written in C++, recently ported to Rust [4]. Along with Takenobu Takizawa, Takeshi Ito and Kunihito Hoki, he published on Contemporary Computer Shogi [5].

2014 …

2020 …


  1. Image clipped from Takuya Hiraoka: Our Researchers | NEC
  2. Takuya Hiraoka: Our Researchers | NEC
  3. Apery
  4. GitHub - HiraokaTakuya/apery_rust: USI shogi engine written in Rust
  5. Takenobu Takizawa, Takeshi Ito, Takuya Hiraoka, Kunihito Hoki (2015). Contemporary Computer Shogi. Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games
  6. dblp: Takuya Hiraoka

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