Susan L. Epstein

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Susan L. Epstein [1] Susan Lynn Epstein,

an American mathematician, computer scientist, AI researcher and professor at Graduate Center and Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY). Her research interests include problem solving, machine learning, knowledge representation, constraint satisfaction and cognitive modeling. In the early 90s at CUNY, she developed FORR (FOr the Right Reasons) [2], a cognitive architecture for learning and problem solving inspired by Herbert A. Simon’s ideas of bounded rationality and satisficing. Her FORR-based game playing program Hoyle [3] learned to play many different board games [4].

1983 …

1990 …

2000 …

2010 …


  1. Susan L. Epstein
  2. Susan L. Epstein - FORR
  3. Edmond Hoyle from Wikipedia
  4. Susan L. Epstein - Hoyle
  5. Susan L. Epstein - Publications
  6. dblp: Susan L. Epstein

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