Suryadi Harmanto

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Suryadi Harmanto [1] Suryadi Harmanto,

an Indonesian computer scientist and professor at Gunadarma University, Depok and Jakarta Campus. He obtained a Bachelor degree in mathematics from University of Indonesia and a M.Sc. in information system from Gunadarma University. In 1996 Gunadarma University was designated host and sponsor of the WMCCC 1996 [2], and also wished to participate with an own program. Suryadi Harmanto led a team working on the Crafty clone Gunda-1, which received a wildcard from the ICCA to participate [3].

Selected Publications



  1. Universitas Gunadarma - Struktur Organisasi
  2. 1996 World Microcomputer Chess Championship by Tony Marsland, rgcc, May 22, 1996
  3. Ratih Dewanti (1996). Report on the 14th World Microcomputer Chess Championship. ICCA Journal, Vol. 19, No. 4
  4. Tony Marsland (1996). Recognition of Local Participation. ICCA Journal, Vol. 19, No. 4
  5. dblp: Suryadi Harmanto

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