Storm US

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[ A Storm in the Rocky Mountains [1] Storm,

a Chess Engine Communication Protocol aka WinBoard compliant chess engine by Sean Empey, first released as free engine in May 2000. The program performed a parallel search based on ABDADA, and in 2004 Sean planned a change to Principal Variation Splitting in conjunction with bitboards [2]. Storm played the first two CCT Tournaments, CCT1 and CCT2.


Forum Posts

Re: Stormx is this a Crafty Clone?? by Sean Empey, CCC, May 25, 2004

Chess Engine



  1. Albert Bierstadt - A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie (1866), Brooklyn Museum, Wikimedia Commons
  2. Storm to PVS by Sean Empey, CCC, August 02, 2004
  3. CCT2 hosted by Volker Richey

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