
Home * Engines * Steinitz

[ Wilhelm Steinitz [1] Steinitz,

a family of chess programs written Larry Atkin in 6502 assembly, distributed as modules for the Great Game Machine by Applied Concepts and the compatible Chafitz Modular Game System.

Steinitz Encore

In 1983/1984 the Steinitz Encore was announced but never originally released. Existing models were either prototypes or later self-constructions [5] [6] .

See also


  1. Wilhelm Steinitz - Wikimedia Commons, Wilhelm Steinitz from Wikipedia
  2. Flickr - Fotosharing | Steinitz 4 With Special Keyboard Overlay by Chewbanta
  3. Chafitz Steinitz Edition from Wiki (German)
  4. Frank Sommers (1983). Chess 7.0. (evaluation). Creative Computing, Vol. 9, No. 9, pp. 176
  5. Chafitz Steinitz Encore Edition Electronic Chess Computer from The Spacious Mind
  6. Chafitz Steinitz Encore from Wiki (German)

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