
Home * Engines * SpiderChess

Christopher Conte - Victoria [1] SpiderChess,

a chess engine by Martin Giepmans written in Delphi, initially with an own GUI [2] and later Chess Engine Communication Protocol compatible to run under WinBoard. SpiderChess played the WMCCC 2001 (as SpiderGirl) and the WCCC 2002, and various Dutch Open Computer Chess Championships, International CSVN Tournaments, and the CCT6. When the code has become rather messy, Martin started his second approach from scratch, dubbed Anatoli.

See also

Forum Posts

Chess Engine


Pierre Courbois, Jasper van ’t Hof, Toto Blanke, Sigi Busch


  1. Victoria from The Sculpture of Christopher Conte, © 2012, Description: Cast bronze with stainless steel and carbon steel components, Size: 2.5 “tall x 6” x 6" (6.5cm x 15cm x 15cm), Image: Sirris and Liza Conlin, esculturas biomédicas | Trasdós
  2. Spider Chess again … by Frank Quisinsky, Winboard Forum, November 08, 2001
  3. Rybka-Games aus dem Jahr 2004 by Andreas Luettke, CSS Forum, June 30, 2011 (German)

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