
Home * Engines * Snitch


a WinBoard and UCI compliant chess engine by Klaus Friedel, written in C++, first announced [1] and released [2] in 2004. While Klaus’ former engine Hagrid applies Rotated Bitboards, Snitch uses a plain 8x8 board with piece-lists and attack tables [3], as well as legal move generation.



See also

Forum Posts

Chess Engine



  1. New engine by Klaus Friedel, Winboard Forum, January 03, 2004
  2. New engine Snitch 1.0.0 by Klaus Friedel, Winboard Forum, September 28, 2004
  3. Re: Attack table by Klaus Friedel, Winboard Forum, September 28, 2004
  4. Snitch and Hagrid two free UCI / Winboard chess engines - Developer
  5. Re: Evaluating bad bishops by Klaus Friedel, Winboard Forum, May 15, 2006

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