
Home * Engines * Sinobyl


initially called Latista and in 2008 renamed to Sinobyl due to trademark issues [1], is a WinBoard compliant chess engine by Eric Oldre, written in C++, and first released in 2004 [2]. Sinobyl, aka Latista 1.4, was one of the first engines besides Scorpio and Gambit Fruit, to use Daniel Shawul’s Scorpio Bitbases. Sinobyl was later ported to C#, with rotated bitboards replaced by magics [3], released in 2014 as NoraGrace, dedicated to Nora Grace Oldre who was taken from Eric and his wife unexpectedly a few days before she was due to be born [4].

Board Representation

To avoid standing pat in quiescence where pieces of the side to move were just attacked and en prise, Eric Oldre introduced Horizon Threat Extensions in Latista 1.4 [6].


Pawn Shelter

See also

Forum Posts

Chess Engine


latistaa - Wiktionary


  1. Re: new/updated engines: 2008/11/28-29 by Eric Oldre, Winboard Forum, December 01, 2008
  2. Latista from WBEC Ridderkerk
  3. trunk/Sinobyl | SVN | Assembla
  4. New open source engine in C# - NoraGrace by Eric Oldre, CCC, June 20, 2014
  5. Latista 1.5 by Eric Oldre, CCC, January 13, 2006
  6. Latista 1.4 released. (Rybka killer edition!) by Eric Oldre, CCC, December 23, 2005

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