Simon Portegies Zwart

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Simon Portegies Zwart [1] Simon Portegies Zwart,

a Dutch astrophysicist and professor at Leiden Observatory. His research interests include computational astrophysics, stellar evolution and binary evolution, galaxy dynamics, supermassive black holes, n-body problem, and high-performance computing, in particular massively parallel computing using GPUs, along with deep learning. At the 18th Computer Olympiad 2015, along with Ben Ruijl, he organized the Computer Diplomacy Challenge [2] [3].

2004 …

2010 …

2020 …


  1. Simon Portegies Zwart: Home page
  2. Computer Diplomacy Challenge | ICGA
  3. Diplomacy (game) from Wikipedia
  4. dblp: Simon Portegies Zwart
  5. SDSS J090745.0+024507 from Wikipedia
  6. FLOPS from Wikipedia

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