Simon Lucas

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Simon Lucas [1] Simon M. Lucas,

a British computer scientist, professor and head of School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London, director of its Game AI Research Group (GAIG) [2], and also the Queen Mary lead for the EPSRC funded Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent Games and Game Intelligence (IGGI) [3]. Before, he was affiliated with the University of Essex, Colchester. He holds a B.Sc. in computer systems engineering from University of Kent, and a Ph.D. in electronics and computer science from University of Southampton, the Ph.D. in 1991 already on the topic of deep neural networks [4]. His research covers the broad spectrum of machine learning, such as pattern recognition, genetic programming, neural networks, deep learning, reinforcement learning, temporal difference learning as well as Monte-Carlo tree search. and has gravitated toward game AI, covering the games of Othello, Go, Connect Four, and more recently general video game playing.

1990 …

2000 …

2010 …

2020 …


  1. Simon M. Lucas
  2. GAIG
  3. The IGGI Programme » IGGI
  4. Simon Lucas (1991). Connectionist architectures for syntactic pattern recognition. Ph.D. thesis, University of Southampton
  5. dblp: Simon M. Lucas
  6. Simon Lucas‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

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