Shu Yokoyama

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Shu Yokoyama [1] Shu Yokoyama,

a Japanese computer scientist affiliated with the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo. His research interests include game playing algorithms and search, and in particular massively parallel or distributed search algoritms. At the Advances in Computer Games 14 conference in Leiden 2015, he introduced the distributed search algorithm dubbed P-GPP, or pipelined game position parallelization.

See also

Optimistic Pondering

Selected Publications


  1. Shu Yokoyama lecturing on Parameter-Free Tree Style Pipeline in Asynchronous Parallel Game-Tree Search/ at Advances in Computer Games 14, Shu Yokoyama — slides. Video Download, July 03, 2015, capture at 2:55
  2. Tetsuro Tanaka, Tomoyuki Kaneko (2010). Massively Parallel Execution of Shogi Programs. The Special Interest Group Technical Reports of IPSJ. 2, Vol. GI-24, No.8 (Japanese)
  3. Kai Himstedt (2012). GridChess: Combining Optimistic Pondering with the Young Brothers Wait Concept. ICGA Journal, Vol. 35, No. 2
  4. Shu Yokoyama, Tomoyuki Kaneko, Tetsuro Tanaka (2015). Parameter-Free Tree Style Pipeline in Asynchronous Parallel Game-Tree Search. Advances in Computer Games 14, pdf

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