ShihChieh Huang

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Aja Huang [1] Aja (Shih-Chieh) Huang,

a Taiwanese research scientist at Google DeepMind, 6-dan Go player, co-author of AlphaGo [2], and computer scientist with a Ph.D. in 2011 on New Heuristics for Monte Carlo Tree Search Applied to the Game of Go from National Taiwan Normal University. Aja Huang is author of the Go playing program AjaGo, and supported by his supervisor Rémi Coulom, author of the world class Go program Erica, which won the Gold medal at the 15th Computer Olympiad in Kanazawa, 2010. He is further member of the team in developing the Chinese Chess program Elephant, and co-author of the Connect6 program NTNU C6 [3].

Aja Huang was postdoc at University of Alberta, researching on Monte-Carlo Tree Search, and working with Martin Müller on the Go playing programs Erica and Fuego, as well with Ryan Hayward on the Hex playing program MoHex [4].

See also

Selected Publications


2007 …

2010 …

2015 …



  1. Photo of the 15th Computer Olympiad Kanazawa 2010 by Hideki Kato
  2. Keynote Lecture CG 2016 Conference by Aja Huang
  3. Shih-Chieh Huang’s ICGA Tournaments
  4. Shih-Chieh Huang (2011). New Heuristics for Monte Carlo Tree Search Applied to the Game of Go. Ph.D. thesis, Appendix II, 2011 Super Computer Go: Shih-Chieh Huang’s Erica, Introduction by Peter Shotwell, pdf
  5. Photo by Gerd Isenberg, WCCC 2006
  6. DBLP: Shih-Chieh Huang
  7. Move Evaluation in Go Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks by Aja Huang, The Computer-go Archives, December 19, 2014
  8. AlphaGo Zero: Learning from scratch by Demis Hassabis and David Silver, DeepMind, October 18, 2017
  9. Chris J. Maddison, Aja Huang, Ilya Sutskever, David Silver (2014). Move Evaluation in Go Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. arXiv:1412.6564v1

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